Interview in California Business School Magazine

Psychologist, organizational consultant shares next steps for leaders as they prepare for the new school year

By Julie Phillips RandlesRelationship counseling may seem like an odd place for educators to turn for job advice, but the need for this kind of input will be greater when educators and students head back to school sites.

California’s students will re-enter schools carrying more than backpacks, tablets and colored pencils. Many of them will be toting worries, fears, even trauma from the covid-19 isolation experience that turned their childhoods upside down.Educators will need the right skills to cope with these emo- tional needs in conjunction with math, reading, science and the arts.Karen Bridbord, Ph.D., is the right professional for these times. Her career is built on a unique combination of clinical psychology, organizational behavior and counseling, and her clients include business owners, corporate executives, couples and individuals seeking to solve relationship problems and achieve life goals.To read the rest of this story, download the PDF.

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On-Demand Webinar Available Coping, Cooperation and Conflict Resolution Skills for Parents and Co-Parents during COVID-19